Growing businesses

Priti Patel Conservative MP for the Witham in Essex did such a poor job for the LEAVE campaign this morning on Radio 4 that we should hear more from her. Thank you BBC for asking the real questions like: what Regulations do you mean? The MP waffled on repeating campaign slogans devoid of facts. Sweeping unsubstantiated statements flowed like a landslide. This was a real car crash of an interview. She obviously though just saying “boo!” to the EU on the morning radio would be enough.
For a Government Minister to call for an audit of regulations AFTER the UK left the EU is unbelievable. If this was the main issue for small businesses an audit of regulation should have been done years ago! I suppose if a post-Brexit audit found there wasn’t a problem then the UK would reapply to join the EU. Also, crazy was how when referring to ‘working time’ she said; Europe has done nothing for worker’s rights. However, it was the European Working Time Directive to which the Minister referred.
In the EU, the concept of a “level playing field” is good for business both large and small. It means that if a British mom and pop business has to do something (e.g. packaging, hygiene, waste disposal) then a Dutch, French, Italian, Polish or Germany business has to do the same. Access the single market means a small business can grow to become a large business. If you want proof just look at businesses like LUSH or the Body Shop. Started as small businesses now having 100s of shops around Europe.

United Europe

It’s with such ease that we forget the dramatic changes that have taken place over recent decades. Post-war the dividing lines were drawn across Europe. That separation of East and West almost brought us to the point of mutually assured destruction. I remember a conversation with a Belgium colleague who had done national service. The cold practicality of their predicament was haunting. He told me: we knew that if anything happened our job was to stand guard but that within about 5 minutes it would all be over.
Let’s be thankful that a strong desire for democracy and prosperity led to the fall of communist regimes across Europe. The European Union played its part in that transformation. By presenting an example of democratic cooperation it gave the former communist countries hope for the future. The EU provided much needed assistance in rebuilding infrastructure across Europe. Effectively connecting East and West so that we can live and work together.

Back from my travels

Driving from Staines to Somerset to Scotland and back is a great way to get a perspective on the great diversity that is the UK. Different landscapes, different histories and different cultures. Our Union is a fantastic mix. It’s a testament to the value of respecting local identity at the same time as being part of something bigger. Not so shocking to make such an observation. I’d like to extend that thinking to Europe. Being part of a union in Europe makes us bigger rather than smaller. Brexit advocate imagine pulling up the drawbridge and hunkering down on this island. I can’t help thinking that this is so unnatural to the British character and experience as to be repulsive.  

Reading Michael Gove’s recent speech there was so much of the politicians trick of blaming the bad on “them” and heralding the good as solely being “us”. Then there was the magic that everyday will be Christmas if only we run away from our European Union. Even more unrealistic was the idea that we could independently match the US on research and innovation spending. It’s not that I’m surprised by any of this fear mongering followed by offers of utopia. I just hope that the vast majority of people can see through Gove’s utopia for what it is.  

Fair Play

With impending failure looming the referendum LEAVE camp seems to be stepping up the level of abuse and misrepresentation on social media. There’s a never mind the facts attitude. If people don’t agree we will just shout louder. Repeating endlessly statements already proven to be wrong. The problem with this approach to campaigning is it starts to become bullying and intimidation. Maybe that’s the intention but surely one of the British qualities that are so often promoted is that of fair play. Expression like; it’s just not cricket remind us that so many of the rules and regulations of sport originate from the UK. So, are the LEAVE campaigners undermining the very thing you might expect them to be defending?  I do care about the facts. I believe we should argue with dignity and humility. And if statements are in error or just plain wrong they should be withdrawn.  

Upbeat message

We have known of the US president’s visit to the UK for some time. It certainly wasn’t a surprise. Thus, it’s strange to hear how prominent Brexiters have responded to the event. Having time to prepare a confident campaign could have assembled a factual and grounded defence of the position for leaving the European Union. Instead what has been presented by the likes of Johnson and Farage is the worst of the worst pub gossip. Innuendo, misrepresentation and prejudice were all the leave campaign had to offer. Barack Obama shows no signs of being anti-British.  Contrast the Brexiters assertions with the warmth and upbeat messages in support of the UK’s position in Europe. It’s clear that the UK’s continuing global success is dependent upon playing a strong role in the EU. The momentum of the Remain campaign continues to grow as the days count down to the referendum. 

What do you think?

It’s time to ask for an opinion. Reading newspapers, listening to the radio and scanning the web there is still no substitute for a good old conversation. So, I asked a West Country farmer IN or OUT? Goodness me: “I’d like OUT but it’s safer IN”. Next I asked an his mother. Well, my mother too. The reply surprised me: Undecided but if I was younger I might vote OUT and take the risk. After a moments reflection: “It (the disruption) will take too long so stay IN”. With all the media noise in the air there’s still a huge don’t know factor when it comes to the final referendum vote. With this in mind and the fact that more noise doesn’t make it any easier, the “devil you know” will probably clinch the outcome. The reasons are simple. Asking people to make a massive leap into the complete unknown isn’t an attractive prospect. When looking at the people who are asking for that giant leap its evident that their credibility is mighty lacking. To top that, throwing away so much invested knowledge, experience and goodwill just doesn’t sound sensible.  
Personally I find the positive case for the UK to remain in the EU compelling. In my head, a basic cost / benefit analysis and a set of beliefs being me to that conclusion. Now, the race is on to communicate.  

Happy pigs

One of the delights of a journey down the A303 is the sight of Stonehenge. Traveling west towards the sun the traffic naturally slows past the stones. And that’s an understatement because it often just stops in a long slow que. Just past Stonehenge there is another delight – at least to me. There is a field of free range pigs to the left and stretching off into the distance. It’s mud, straw and huts. Wallowing around are what I would assume to be a great number of happy pigs.  My subject is the welfare of farm animals. This is a case where the UK has much to contribute to the EU. Generally standards are higher in the UK than the EU norm. Some argue that this puts the UK at an economic disadvantage. Recently the Government backed down from an attempt to dilute welfare standards.  

This is where leaving the EU could put in jeopardy a basic minimum set of standards that we have come to expect. I think we have a responsibility to keep our seat at the table in Europe and argue for continuing improvements across the board. There is a danger that the UK could give up its leadership role if Brexit becomes a reality. Just imagine the bonfire of standards the advocates of the leave campaign would ignite.  

Our Concern

Leading the charge for leaving the EU UK Minister Gove mocked those wishing to remain in the EU. Including fellow Ministers. Scaremongering he said. Within the space of a couple of minutes this was turned on its head as scaremongering became the heart of the leavers argument. With a little verbal dexterity chalk can become cheese just don’t you dare bring any facts into the discussion. So the uncivil war within the Conservative party continues to get headline news.  You may have thought that the EU referendum was a serious question put to the British people and that they might expect a serious debate. However, it’s hard to see how the position of those wishing to leave the EU is anything more than emotional outbursts and a love of isolation. The idea being that difficult problems become easier if you lock yourself away and repeat the mantra – it’s all the fault of the others.  

In fact, the reverse is true. There was never a worse policy than to say – the troubles of others are not of our concern. Every time in history this has been the popular view then it hasn’t been long before the troubles of others have come visiting.  

The EU is not perfect but we do have a seat at the table. We have a vote. We have a unique perspective to add. What’s more, and its a critical point, a lot of the problems we have, we all have in common. The environment, immigration, unfair trading practices, safety and security need a common approach.  

Wish for better

I’ve a vivid memory of tracks from Wish You Were Here playing in 1984 whilst eating a toasted sandwich. It was a late breakfast and it was in Greece. That music was first released in 1975. So, yet again there’s a reason to celebrate 1975. Not only was it the year that the UK voted to stay in the EEC but it was the year great songs hit the streets. Last night I saw the Australian Pink Floyd show. Strange to be in Germany listening to an Australian band playing British progressive rock more than 40 years after it was first performed. That’s our fantastically diverse world for you. The show had the audience on their feet and that doesn’t always happen in such a large arena.  So, what am I to make of this in relation to the referendum debate? For a start, let’s just say that British music has done well in Europe. Follow that by saying that there is a common cultural cord that runs through the experiences of the last 40 years. Top that by saying Pink Floyd take a bash at the music industry in WYWH but there remains a thread of idealism in the music. I guess that’s where we are with the EU. Lots of people want to put the boot in but from time to time we need to revisit the idealism that got the project off the ground. Idealism gets bad press but in my mind it’s absolutely essential if we want to secure a better Europe and a better world.  

Dam those lawyers

Isn’t strange how British right-wing politicians feel so constrained by the EU? I’m in Germany at the moment and it strikes me that the UK has more rules on some issue than on the continent. Since we are in the same EU then it must be because we constrain ourselves by choice. From time to time that’s fine. Take for example the subject of cigarette advertising. Seeing billboards with people smoking just seems so 1970s. Yet, that is how it is in Germany. The pesky EU doesn’t seem to be cracking down. There are other example of health and safety which seem way over the top in the UK but nonexistent in Germany. Could it be that people are blaming the EU for the wrong things? Could it be that our litigious culture in the UK is the source of the constraints? Naturally this is more complex because there are just as many lawyers making a good living in Germany as there are in the UK. Perhaps they are focused on different issues. That’s a good sign because it means that diversity thrives in the EU.